Whether you are providing support, increasing sales, or just need more insight into what your visitors are doing on your site, live chat can help.
We've found a pretty amazing chat service called tawk.to and the coolest part is...it's FREE. 100% free. I know you might be thinking well if it's free it's probably not that full featured or it's limited. I'll just squash those doubts right now.
We've used several paid and free chat services and tawk.to offers as much if not more functionality as many of the paid services out there.
Here are some of the main features that tawk.to offers:
-Custom Widgets
-Chat History
-Automated Triggers
-Multiple Agents
-Manage Sites
-Custom Pages
-Visitor Monitoring
And I'll add all unlimited and free...yeah it's nuts.
So how can chat better your business?
-Customers love using live chat
-Live chat increases online sales
-Live chat increases customer loyalty
-Live chat is quick and cost effective
In a nutshell live chat rocks and with tawk.to it's completely free! Setting up tawk.to is easy but if you need help chat us now!