Get To Know Pionet Forms You have a beautiful new website and your generating all kinds of traffic. Now you need an comprehensive, multi-step, conditional application to gather all the necessary info from potential clients. Look no further that Pionet forms! Pionet forms is just a baby as it has been around for just over […]
So video has only been growing in popularity and video hosting can be a bit tricky if you have a lot of video and plan on adding more as time goes on. Current Options: There are a few different options: Youtube Vimeo Wistia WordPress Self Hosted So there are issues with each of theses options. […]
So as a lover of all things TECH I'm always on the look out for up and coming software (and a good deal) and that is Appsumo in a nutshell. Appsumos model is one of urgency, deals are only live temporarily and once gone don't often return. I have missed out of more that one […]
Remember the last time you got a dreadfully long email… How when you opened it you may have clicked “Mark as Unread” and saved it for when you had the mental energy to tackle that giant block of text. Or how about that email you sent… that really important message to your client, but they […]
In this post we are going to learn how to set your WordPress Author image using Gravitar. This is a good idea to help set your avitar image across the Internet. Many other Apps and services other than WordPress utilize Gravitar. I have added screenshots and numbered steps walking through the getting your Gravitar set […]
SEO (search engine optimization) Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines love to see new and relevant content being added to your website regularly. It helps them feel like your business is alive and well. It also helps them know what web searches are relevant to your website. And in today's market, being on the good […]